[Video] I Want More Parenting Time In Michigan, But I Don’t Want To Rock The Boat With The Other Parent

This is a very interesting situation especially when the parents are not married. This involves one parent worried about starting legal proceedings and making things worse. If you feel scared of the other parent, this can be perceived as weakness, you will be walked all over and you will never get more parenting time. You need to immediately contact a skilled attorney and file a petition for joint custody as well as a request for immediate parenting time.

If the other parent is threatening to leave, then that should be brought to the attention of the court. If you want to get rights, you need to go to the court and get rights, especially when the parents are not married. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan and get the outcome you want!

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Summer Legal Issues in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Michigan Law.

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