The Top 3 Mistakes People Make During a Child Custody Battle

Sometimes, divorce can turn ugly—especially when children are involved. If this sounds familiar to your situation, it’s important to remain calm, cool and collected, trying your best not to stoop to your exes’ level of petty.

We’ve compiled a list of the top mistakes some couples make during a child custody battle, so that you can better avoid them.

1. Going against the temporary court order. Sometimes, when a divorce happens, figuring out a custody arrangement for the children comes later. In the meantime, a judge may issue a temporary custody order. If you’re currently in a temporary custody arrangement, it’s important that you respect the order and do not go against it—this can give your ex more leverage in a court of law, not to mention, it’s defying court orders. If you have a problem with the temporary court order, you should handle it with your lawyer through proper legal measures.

2. Over-sharing on social media. We get it—it’s easy to “go off” on social media these days—but if you complain too much, or even make disparaging comments on your Facebook feed about your ex or current court situation, it can be used against you in a court of law. You’ll also want to refrain from posting anything can could be misinterpreted. All in all, if you wouldn’t shout it from a rooftop, don’t post it!

3. Getting arrested. One of the easiest ways to show the court that you aren’t quite fit to have full custody or even partial custody is to get arrested while your child custody arrangement is pending. If the crime is violent, your ex will have even more ammo against you in a court of law—in fact, it’s likely in this scenario that you may only be allowed supervised custody visits. If you have criminal charges pending, you’ll want to hire a lawyer ASAP who can help you with your case.

Learn More Today

If you’re going through a child custody battle and need expert legal assistance, we’d love to help. We’re proud to offer free consultations to any client who gives us a call. We look forward to learning more about your case.

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