[Video] – Can I Get Custody Of My Stepchildren?

You need to be aware though you may be very close and have a significant bond with the children of your spouse, in the event of a divorce, your spouse will get custody of the children and you will not. You are most likely not going to get custody of your stepchildren. There may be certain circumstances where a person may become guardian of the stepchildren. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – Can I Ask The Judge To Order My Spouse To Get A Mental Health Exam In Michigan?

It is very common for one party to ask for the opposing party to be ordered to have a mental health examination in Michigan. The court will have to see different kinds of behavior that suggests to the court that there are deep psychological issues that may impact the ability of a parent to have parenting time.

The court will have to see some type of evidence that will support your claim. Just because you think that your ex should have a mental health evaluation, doesn’t mean they will. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – Are Depositions Important In Divorce & Child Custody Cases In Michigan?

Discovery involves the process that the court has put in place to allow the attorneys to learn about the other person’s position in the case. When we talk about custody, it is often a he said she said situation about the child. If the child is at an appropriate age, sometimes it is very important to talk to the person who is talked about in the courtroom and see what they actually have to say. This is important because sometimes the one talking about the subject may exaggerate or have a skewed opinion.

If one parent says they are the better choice, then we should find out why they think that. All of the discovery tools, especially depositions can be used in an appropriate way to balance out & even the playing field. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan

What Happens To Marital Debt During A Michigan Divorce?

What Happens To Marital Debt During A Michigan Divorce?

Marital debt is a big issue in Michigan and it is rarely talked about during divorces. When you think of divorces the idea of dividing property and other assets comes into mind. You need to remember that while you are dividing property, accounts, and investments there is still the element of marital debt that is involved. Today we will be taking a look at what happens to marital debt during a Michigan divorce and how it impacts you. 

Marital Debt In A Divorce

The courts handle debt similarly to other assets and property. If everything goes perfectly and no other issues arise, marital debt in a Michigan divorce will be split 50/50 between the two parties. It doesn’t matter whose name the debt is in, in most cases that debt will be divided between both spouses. There are many options of paying off debt and splitting these things, talking to the other party and your lawyer can help you out by creating a plan that will work for everyone involved. At the end of the day, debt has to be handled like assets, and you have to retire the debt equally and equitably just like anything else.

In the real world of divorce, it is extremely unlikely that someone will receive 100% of the marital assets and that the other person will walk away with zero assets. Despite the fact that MI is a no-fault divorce state, the truth is that fault can be relevant to some property, alimony, and other issues. The court may not be equal about it, it may be something along the lines of a 60-40 split, but you don’t see 90-10 split in these scenarios from Michigan courts. Lawyers who have experience will know about the rules of the splitting of marital assets and will tell you that you will get an equitable distribution that is fair. 

Financial Mistakes To Avoid

Sometimes people have certain instincts and think they have to take care of things a certain way without thinking it through. One of the financial mistakes that individuals make is paying off debt before the divorce hoping the court will look at them differently. Marital debt is going to have to be divided in the divorce balance sheet just like a marital asset. This means when you run to pay off the debt, it will not come back into the equation as a shared debt. The debt may be something that your soon to be ex has to pay half of also. 

Another mistake from a financial standpoint as attempting to hide assets. Most assets can be traceable to some degree and if one person is caught trying to deceive the court, there are very serious consequences of doing so. The court will find out if you have made an attempt to hide any of your assets and there will be consequences. 


Remember to list off all your assets and marital debts before your divorce. This will help you in the long run, the court will look at everything that you own and will divide it equally. Division of property in a divorce is not a taxable event. Even though you are receiving money and property, this does not count as income for tax purposes. Similarly, anything you pay to your former spouse is not tax deductible. 

If you need more information on High Asset Divorce or Marital Property or if you have any questions regarding divorce in The State of Michigan contact Goldman and Associates Law Firm. At Goldman and Associates, our attorneys are experts in family law and they will thoroughly examine all aspects of your divorce. With the best lawyers in Michigan, Goldman and Associates takes each and every case very seriously and gives you the outcome you desire.

For more information on high asset divorce in the State of Michigan watch the video below and check out the Goldman and Associates YouTube channel for more videos on everything relating to law in Michigan. Make sure to give our attorneys a call if you have any questions about domestic violence in Michigan. 

Click the link to schedule a free case evaluation:https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17105687&appointmentType=18529428 

For more information visit:https://www.akivagoldman.com/michigan-legal-blog/michigan-divorce-lawyer/

You can give us a call for a FREE phone consultation at (248) 588-3333





[Video] – Why High Net Worth Divorces Are More Complex In Michigan

There is a huge difference between the complexity of a divorce case involving assets and a case with no assets. When there are a lot of assets where there may be pension plans, multiple homes, or property where it is hard to determine the true value. There may be assets that even have a fluctuating evaluation which can make it difficult when it comes to the division of these assets. When we divide assets, oftentimes there are assets whose value is a matter of dispute which can present challenges. If you have questions about this, contact our office today!

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about assets during the divorce process in Michigan! Cases like these can get convoluted and complicated but no worries Goldman and Associates can help. Here are some tips that most divorce attorneys will never tell you.


[Video] – What You Need To Know About Out Of State Divorce In Michigan

There is a misconception that if you get married out of state, then your divorce must be out of state. It could mean that, but it doesn’t always have to mean that. The state of Michigan will allow you to get a divorce as long as you have lived in the state for 180 days. It doesn’t matter where you were married or even where you previously lived. Please contact our office today if you find yourself needing assistance and we would be happy to assist you!

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about any family law cases outside the state of Michigan. Here are some tips that most divorce attorneys will never tell you.


[Video] – What You Need To Know About Modifying Child Support In Michigan

The court will listen to you as far as a downward modification of child support as long as there has been a significant change in circumstance. For example if you were laid off your hours were cut, that could be a legitimate change in circumstance.

The court could look at your new situation and recalculate the ordered support. Each case is fact specific and different so if you have questions about modifying child support payments in Michigan, contact our office today for more information!


[Video] – What You Need To Know About Child Support Arrearage In Michigan

Child support can sometimes result in severe consequences to someone who doesn’t pay what they are required to pay. If you fail to pay, then a warrant can even be issued for your arrest. Nonpayment of support is a serious matter and the law regards it with the same level of seriousness. If you are in a situation where you are facing support that you cannot meet, you need the experience of an attorney who can help you navigate through that. Please contact our office today for more information!

This is a must watch video for anyone who is paying child support in Michigan, stay informed and call Goldman and Associates. Here are some tips that most divorce attorneys will never tell you about child support.


[Video] – What You Need To Know About Child Custody Modifications In Michigan

Child custody is always something that the court can look into. The court can look into modifying custody if there is a change in circumstances or something that shows it is no longer in the best interest of the child to keep things the way they are.

The court takes custody issues very seriously and the court will entertain the thought of modifying custody if the court feels that there has been a change in circumstance that it justifies revisiting the issue. Contact our office today for more information on child custody cases in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who needs help with child custody in Michigan! Goldman and Associates understands how important this process is. Here are some tips that most divorce attorneys will never tell you. 



[Video] – What Should I Expect In A Michigan Divorce?

Michigan is a no-fault divorce state which means you don’t need to prove anything to file for a divorce. A person here in Michigan can get a divorce for whatever reason it doesn’t matter. Other fault factors may be relevant when it comes to other factors in the divorce, such as alimony or property distribution. Contact our office today for a complimentary fifteen minute phone consultation!

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about the divorce process in the state of Michigan. Goldman and Associates will guide you each step of the way during your divorce! Here are some tips that most divorce attorneys will never tell you about divorces in Michigan.