Divorces Businesses and Assets

Divorces Businesses and Assets

In divorces, there are a number of things that you have to deal with. Like your assets, marital debt, custody, and so on. Another issue could arise from your divorce if you own a business. How do you protect your business in a divorce? What happens if both you and your spouse own a business together in a Michigan divorce? In this blog, we will be going over each of these factors that you may encounter in your divorce. 

How Do I Protect My Business In A Michigan Divorce?

During a divorce when dividing assets like personal and marital property, it’s a pretty easy process. Married couples usually share their house and other property. They also acquire property during the course of the marriage. For this reason, the court must determine what property belongs to whom, and how shared property should be divided. Like Spousal support, one of the objectives of property division is to return the other spouse to the position they were in before or during the marriage. The court will also try to give each spouse all of the property they have “equitable title” to. A quick tip to remember when you are going through a divorce, division of property cannot be modified after the case is finished. What’s done is done, the court doesn’t want to drag out the divorce for time and cost sake. 

What Will Happen To Your Business?

So what about your business, how do you protect it? The thing about a business is that it has intrinsic value and isn’t like other assets. So how do you determine how to divide up the business and make sure it doesn’t suffer from the divorce? If both parties own the business and it’s their income then of course they could work something out where they still work together to keep the business running. That is the best case scenario that would allow the business to survive and both parties still get an equal amount of income. The main focus is how you and your attorney are going to handle the divorce so that your business can stay the same. It’s always a case by case situation, some are much more severe than others. The problem becomes when you have a business with perhaps multiple partners and when it needs to be distrusted properly. Each case is fact specific and case by case analysis needs to be done to determine how to address all of the issues.

How Does the Court Decide? 

There are many approaches to property division utilized by various states. In Michigan, the preferred approach is known as the “equitable division of marital property”. Under this approach, any property which was owned by either spouse before the marriage is their own “separate property”. Any property which was acquired during the marriage is divided up in a fair and generally equal matter. That being said, what is fair will not always be “equal”, and the family court will seek fairness above all else. However, under certain circumstances, the court may dip into one party’s separate property to give to the other in order to achieve “fairness and equity”. They are also likely to treat what would otherwise be separate property as marital property if the other spouse was somehow instrumental in acquiring or developing that property.


When it comes to business in a divorce it’s complicated, it will always be a case by case situation so the outcome is going to be on you and your ex spouse. It is important to remember that in a divorce in Michigan, it is not about if it is in your name or your spouse’s name, it’s more about when the business was acquired and whose name it’s under. Remember to give all the information your attorney asks for so that you can get the best possible outcome. Hiding things will only hurt you and will make the divorce much more complicated. 

If you need more information on High Asset Divorce or Marital Property or if you have any questions regarding divorce in The State of Michigan contact Goldman and Associates Law Firm. At Goldman and Associates, our attorneys are experts in family law and they will thoroughly examine all aspects of your divorce. With the best lawyers in Michigan, Goldman and Associates takes each and every case very seriously and gives you the outcome you desire.

For more information on high asset divorce in the State of Michigan watch the video below and check out the Goldman and Associates YouTube channel for more videos on everything relating to law in Michigan. Make sure to give our attorneys a call if you have any questions about domestic violence in Michigan. 

Click the link to schedule a free case evaluation:https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=17105687&appointmentType=18529428 

For more information visit:https://www.akivagoldman.com/michigan-legal-blog/michigan-divorce-lawyer/

You can give us a call for a FREE phone consultation at (248) 588-3333






[Video] – What If My Ex Violates Our Michigan Custody Agreement & Leaves The State?

In rare and dramatic cases like this, this is what the court can refer to as parental kidnapping. More commonly, one parent may hold the child a day or two longer than they were supposed to. A lot of these situations can be resolved with appropriate communication between the parties. However if communication is not working, then there are motions that can be filed with the court where the court will order that the child is surrendered to authorities and brought back to this jurisdiction.

If the court has to go this route, then the court may impose sanctions on the party that violated the agreement. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – What Fathers Should & Shouldn’t Do In A Custody Battle In Michigan

Custody battles can be extremely difficult especially if you aren’t married to the mother, there is a presumption of custody in favor of the mother. If you want to try and assert custody, then you should focus on your strengths and what you bring to the table to help your child. Many people think in order to win a custody battle you need to tear up the mother and make her look bad. You will get much more traction with the court if you spend your time making your case as to why you should be the custodial parent.

You should focus on the strengths you possess to be able to provide the most stable environment for the children. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – What Do I Do If My Ex Is Behaving Poorly During Parenting Time In Michigan?

You have to remember that while the court won’t allow you to micromanage how your ex spends his or her time with the kids, the court will intervene if the way they spend their time with the children is deemed as dangerous. The court will always consider what is in the best interest of the child and there are remedies that the court can impose when your ex is behaving poorly.

The court may limit the parenting time by eliminating the parenting time or simply modifying the parenting time agreement. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – What Do I Do If My Child Refuses To Follow The Parenting Time Schedule In Michigan?

If the child is a lot younger, such as 4 or 5 years old, you should try to encourage & teach your child that this is what the judge ordered and these are the rules that need to be followed. In situations where the child is a teenager, the attitude of the court in terms of forcing the child to go might be a little different. Once the child is older, some courts may give a little more preference and may resist forcing the child to do so. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – What Am I Supposed To Do If I’m Being Falsely Accused Of Child Abuse In Michigan?

If you are being falsely accused of child abuse, you have to make sure to get ahead of this where it doesn’t look like you and the other parent are fighting regarding the safety of the child. If your ex calls you and questions you about abuse, your response should be there has been no abuse and if you think there has been abuse, you should take the child to the doctor to examine potential injuries. This should be done as a joint effort made and if the child has some sort of injury and a determination cannot be made, further investigation is required.

You want to get ahead of the allegations and if there are repeated allegations, you should contact an attorney to file appropriate motions to bring before the court that your ex is trying to set you up. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – Is There A Difference Between Child Custody & Parenting Time In Michigan?

Child custody is always something that the court can be looked into and changed. Child Custody generally has to deal with the day to day life of the child like where they are going to school, where they are sleeping, and where they are living. When there is a scenario where one parent has custody and the other parent has parenting time, that means that one parent probably has the children Monday-Friday and then with the other parent on alternating weekends, holidays, or a different day of the week. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – I Want More Parenting Time In Michigan, But I Don’t Want To Rock The Boat With The Other Parent

This is a very interesting situation especially when the parents are not married. This involves one parent worried about starting legal proceedings and making things worse. If you feel scared of the other parent, this can be perceived as weakness, you will be walked all over and you will never get more parenting time. You need to immediately contact a skilled attorney and file a petition for joint custody as well as a request for immediate parenting time.

If the other parent is threatening to leave, then that should be brought to the attention of the court. If you want to get rights, you need to go to the court and get rights, especially when the parents are not married. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – How To Prepare For A Child Custody Battle

There are a number of things you must do in order to give yourself the best chance to gain custody of your child. The primary thing to do is to make sure you are involved with your children. Be involved in their lives by knowing what allergies they may have, taking them to doctors appointments, being involved in the child’s school, etc. If you are not involved in your child’s life, the court will question why all of the sudden you want custody when you weren’t involved & absent all of those years. Another issue that you can prepare for deals with the deficiencies in the parenting ability of your spouse.

The court may ask if there is any drug use, drinking, partying, or a history of domestic violence. If these incidents occur on a frequent basis, be sure to preserve and note and evidence when these happen. When the court has to determine between the mother and father to see which parent is more suitable, they will consider both positive and negative points. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

[Video] – How To Initiate A Child Custody Case In Michigan

This usually comes about in a non-marital union and the assumption is that the mother gets those parental rights. This leaves the father of the child needing to file a petition seeking custodial rights. The law firm that the father retains will draft the petitions so that they are filed in the circuit court where the child resides. After the case is randomly assigned to a family court judge, & the judge will issue a summons as well.

After both parties hire lawyers, the court will set up a calendar of events in order to determine who should get custody, parenting time and child support. You will not get these rights unless you take action. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.