[Video] – What If My Ex Violates Our Michigan Custody Agreement & Leaves The State?

In rare and dramatic cases like this, this is what the court can refer to as parental kidnapping. More commonly, one parent may hold the child a day or two longer than they were supposed to. A lot of these situations can be resolved with appropriate communication between the parties. However if communication is not working, then there are motions that can be filed with the court where the court will order that the child is surrendered to authorities and brought back to this jurisdiction.

If the court has to go this route, then the court may impose sanctions on the party that violated the agreement. Custody cases can be difficult and time consuming but with an experienced attorney to help guide you through the process you’ll have nothing to worry about. Contact Goldman and Associates to speak to our top attorneys in Michigan.

This is a must watch video for anyone who has questions about Divorce and Custody in Michigan. Here are some tips that most attorneys won’t tell you.

Goldman and Associates Law Firm is here to provide you with information about Custody in The State of Michigan. Goldman and Associates has years of experience and knowledge on Family Law in Michigan. Contact us today if you have any questions regarding Custody in the State of Michigan.

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