Another common actor of divorce is alimony, also known as spousal support.
By definition, alimony is a type of financial support provided to a spouse during and/or after a divorce or legal separation.
So, how do you know if you’re entitled to alimony, or if your spouse may be? Here are a few things to consider when it comes to spousal support in Michigan.
Marriage length: If you’ve been married for less than five years, it’s unlikely that a court will grant either spouse alimony, however, that is not absolute. There are, of course, extenuating circumstances that may sway the courts opinion.
Earning capacity and workforce re-entry: When a marriage comes to an end and one spouse has supported the other for a while, a judge may deem spousal support necessary until thee supported spouse has the ability to re-enter the workforce. In this situation, the other spouse has been working for years, so a judge may feel it’s necessary for alimony to be paid to the other party for a set amount of time.
Financial resources: Whether or not the husband or wife has the ability to live on their own while supporting themselves and children will be taken into consideration. If a spouse didn’t work for some time yet has a great deal of money in his or her savings account, this is considered a financial resource that could be tapped into with alimony not necessarily being granted.
Marriage contribution: A judge will likely consider how each party has financially contributed to the marriage when determining alimony. In the case of a stay at home spouse, the judge will consider this a form of ‘work and support’ that was contributed to the household.
Schedule Your Family Law Consultation
If you have questions about spousal support or are going through a divorce and need proper legal assistance, we’d love to help. Contact our law firm today to schedule your free, no obligation consultation by calling (248) 588-3333 when you’re ready.
We look forward to working with you and fighting for your rights every step of the way.